Sunday, November 16, 2008

Daddy Cool

I like cheap music videos. African, Reggae, and some country and bluegrass videos I see seem to have particularly homely production values. The music is usually something I haven't heard so they have a built-in interest value. The production values make them seem accessible and more genuine.

That said:

Boney M is some kind of West German genetic experiment in Pop. From the mighty mighty Wiki Wiki:

"Boney M. was a German pop and disco group created by West German record producer Frank Farian."

They swam in the same primordial muck as Northern European super poppers Abba.

Rivers of Babylon:

Brown Girl in the Ring (the most euro-pop sounding of the three)

Friday, November 14, 2008


If I had readers, and if those readers commented, these would be the rules:

  • Write well
  • If you make spelling/grammatical errors, expect snark.
  • Expect snark
  • Welcome snark
  • Embrace snark
  • Assholery will be challenged, but no one here is so chickenshit that comments reflecting assholery will be deleted
  • Assholes will be called out by name, but their comments will be enshrined for all to see
  • There is unlimited space for comments
  • There is no limit on the number of comments one may make
  • Statements of fact will be interpreted using ordinary (non-insane) criteria for such things
  • Statements of opinion will be interpreted using ordinary (non-batshit-crazy) criteria for such things.
So, if I had had readers, I would be happy to read whatever is on their minds, no matter how tangential those thoughts may be to the post they happen to be commenting on. If someone has something funny or insightful (or inciteful, for that matter) to say then write it out and post it! I am not afraid of conflict, humor, or multiple posts by the same person for that matter.

Freedom of speech baby!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Life's not fair

And if it were:

  • we all would get what we deserved
  • some of us would expect to be unhappy about it
  • some of us would be surprised at how good our just deserts were (the humble good)
  • some of us would be surprised at how bad our just deserts were (the proud bad)

Most off us will think it's just more of the same and soldier on as always.